Form Custom Elements

Examples for form control styles, layout options, and custom components for creating a wide variety of forms elements.
we have included dropzone for file uploads, datepicker and select2 for custom controls.

Custom Controls

Bootstrap 4 custom form elements.

File Uploads

Max 5Mb



Inline controls


Select Menu

Input Range

Option Box

option can be used for making clear and distinctive labels with more information. you can use checkbox or radio as input type.

Option Box Column

option Column is similar to option-box with a slight variation


CSS switch controls for radio and checkbox

Switch Checkbox

Switch Radio one at time

Switch large .size-lg

Tag style Checkboxes

Tag style checkboxes for checkbox inputs

Image as inputs

With atmos you use image as input checkboxes as form elements

Option Box Grid

option can be used for making clear and distinctive labels with more information. you can use checkbox or radio as input type.